Thursday, March 16, 2006

Not without faith...

Just checking in with you. The pic is of me this past Sunday... the kids and I were chillin outside. My week has been going wonderfully. The weather here is tripping tho. Earlier this week the weather was like 70 degrees, yesterday it was snowing. lol
I was thinking, "you gotta be kidding me!" Stop playing with my emotions Lord!!! lol I need the warm weather like a junky needs a fix!!! Trust me, my toes are screaming for pedicures and sandals! (altho I do get my toes done in the winter, just not as often)

I'm also excited about losing this weight. I mean, it's easy to get discouraged...but I'm convinced that the only way I'm gonna get better is to do better. So, I'm trying people and I have faith that my efforts will not go unrewarded.
Monday my baby boy started school. (head start) He is my joy and this was his first school experience. He's never even been in daycare, so I was an emotional wreck getting him ready. But when we got there he was a big 3yr old and sat down and was off and running, so to speak.
So now that he's gone my days are free. I have committed to working out at least 3 times a week, but more than likely it'll be 4-5 days a week. My work out is only a half an hour a day. So, no excuses.

I decided to take my butt to work a few more days than normal this pay period... so that I can get a real decent paycheck and do some shopping and catching up. I have a credit card and I am over 30% of my credit limit and that is a no, no for your credit score, so I gotta get that in order. A sista is buying a crib in the summer and I'm tryna keep interest rates low.

Speaking of which, its so funny to me how people judge you. Trina and I were talking last night about how some of the folx at our job are mad because we are young and black and work when we want and are happy. I mean I'm not rich or even a little close to that. But I don't view myself, my success, my future by what I see. People look at me, as a divorced mom of four and think (and at my job say), "How is she doing this and that..."
You wanna know the answer??? By Faith
This isn't to say that I don't have to work, but rather that I realize me working is not where my sustenance comes from. God is my husband and provider and He always has been.
My kids are my priority, and trust me my time with them is much more valuable than any thing that I could ever buy for them. Investing in their education, emotions, and spirit are paramount to me.Simply.
Yes, I'm buying a home. No, credit is not an issue. Yes, I am successful. Yes, I have joy!
Why? Because I believe in speaking things into existence, doing the work and trusting God for the rest. Folx don't understand that I don't need to be conventionally successful. When I graduated everyone wanted to know what my "career" would be. I always said teaching because I was good at it and it made my family and friends smile approvingly.
But now I don't say much. My goal? To run a business of my own and do ministry in my own not-for-profit org., and real estate investing.
People look at me funny when I say this. They say, "Are you sure you don't wanna just do that on the side." I just think to myself....Think in the box, stay in the box.

I thank the Lord for vision, for an entrepreneurial spirit, and for a heart to do ministry.
"Oh Lord bless me indeed, Enlarge my territory...Oh Lord bless me indeed!"
All this to say, that I try to live and see by faith.

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

My steps are ordered by God. So to all you people confused about the smile on my face...don't be. I'm doing just fine.


MZPEACH said...

I can just lay my head on this post and fall asleep on it. Very com forting and very true.

MZPEACH said...

Dang, I beat Latina and Tamiko..rofl. Hey ya'll two!

TrinaBeingTrina said...

Who the hell is this anon character.....Anyway you know I know where you are coming from. I can't stand people being all up in your business w/ negativity and acting like you ain't supposed to have nuthin'. (that was illiterate...haha)

uniquepressure said...
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SilkySmooth said...

Yo anonymous is f&#king retarded. Posting the same comment a million times.Nice pic. Start coming to work. Look past others peoples negative and find your own positive.

LUVIN ME said...

"Oh Lord bless me indeed, Enlarge my territory...Oh Lord bless me indeed!"

I pray for increase as well!

Awww! I know it was hard letting your baby go! I wish you must luck on your weight loss trials, and pray that you are successful in all that you try to do!

latinachik4lif said...

lolz at georgiapeach...damz she did beat me n tamiko... well n=ewayz i'm glad to hear things are going good...i hope it stays that way...stay safe chan

Anonymous said...

Hey Chandra, It's Trisha Dean!! Just in case u dont get my facebook message, I hope u get this one, I had a crazy dream about u...please call me when u get this.....immediately...if u dont have my number, i left it on facebook...I hope all is well!!

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that God blesses the obedient with desires so that we will WANT to do what He has for us in His will...and the desire that you have is not based on "seen" circumstance or things past...its based on what God has placed in you, and your obedience to to Him is what is gonna prosper you, your family, your children, and make you a blessing to that man of God "in your life"(speak those things...). Much luv to you Chan and God's continued blessings...

Ladynay said...

The make extra money anon is just spam...LOL

All I can say about your post is Amen.

People see you young, black and a single parent and expect you to be running around with worry and stress complaining all the time!

It's great that your son took to school well!

princessdominique said...

Congrats on everything you're doing Chan :)

brooklyn babe said...

Do it.

Friar Tuck said...

I admire your ambition and sense of direction!

Superstar Nic said...

I’m so glad to hear that you have had a great week and congrats on losing that weight! I definitely with you in that it is VERY easy to become discouraged.

It has happened to me so many times. I’ll start off good, then stop, and then start again. Not to mention how depressing it is when you get on the scale and you see not an ounce more is gone!

As for your goals, I wish you all the luck and success in the world. The Lord will see you through, so I have no doubt that you will more that surpass your goals!

Unknown said...

Just passin thru.

It is so easy to get demotivated when tryng to loose weight and get in shape. But you have to stay focussed and be determined.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

people always judging what they dont know namely because they dont have the time or patience to want to understand - and be excited baby, for your health first.