'just wanted to spread the news that on today, March 26th @ 1:00pm,
I became the auntie of two new baby boys!
I'm so excited and my brother is in love!!
God is so good! Please pray for them, they are in the Neonatal ICU, but they are doing good and breathing on their own!!!
I'll keep you posted!
Wow thats great to hear that Chan, Its a Blessing, send my congrats to the proud parents. Love & Peace.
it truly is a blessing and i will spread the congrats. we are so happy.hope 2 hear from u soon!
TWO....BOYS?????? Oh yeah, your bro and his lady need some prayer ASAP! LOL
Congrats auntie Chan!
Congrats Auntie...and I'll be praying for those babies!
Congrats... God Bless the new little ones and the parents and you.
Aww congrats..being an auntie is the bomb lol...I play with my nephew spoil him and then when he crys send him to his momma lol...sike not all the time
awww thats good news!!!....congrats ;).... sorry i've been out for a while but im catchin up....sorry to hear bout the little boy...hope u doing good!
I know you are excited and I am extremely excited for you. Send my love to the proud parents.
you just have little rug rats running around everywhere dont ya
Congrats on those special little babies! I just love babies. I hope they get well really soon!
Take care!
Congratulations Ch-AHN to you, your brother and his/your fam. I pray God's blessings over him as a man of God and an annoited father. I pray that his is the the father, lover, provider, and man that God has called him to be. Don't be spoiling those boys then sending them home to their parents...that's all yall loving aunties are good for...lol. Much love
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