Tuesday, October 11, 2005

In Appreciation

This month is Clergy Appreciation Month and my dad's church had an appreciation banquet for him. It was overwhelming for me, because I see a lot of the hardships he goes through as a Pastor. It did my heart so good to see him be appreciated. It was beautiful.


My hair was so nappy. I didn't want to pay $50 to get it relaxed and I know I couldn't do a good job relaxing it myself. So this weekend my girl(Treen) and I worked overnight and after work she and another coworker (Carla) came home with me and Trina did my hair! That's my dawg... Why it meant so much? Cause we were all so tired after working all night and she still did my hair so I could go to the banquet and look like a pretty pastor's daughter.lol
I love the girlfriends God has allowed me to have. I just wanna shout them out real quick...
Trina...I'll leave the mushiness out (4 once) but u know how we do. What would I do without u?
K.J...I'm proud of u. Keep God first, loving your man and NaNa.Thank u for pulling me outta bed when my heart was broken and for cooking 4 me. (hehe) luv, Sean John..lol
(Dr.)Min...do the dag on thing girl.You make me believe that dreams are possibe to achieve.When's the wedding? I'm getting ready for my close up!*smiles*
Hev...it feels good...yeah! You make me proud!Keep writing and being silly...and make sure u pull over a disproportionate amount of white folx while ur patrolling...balance the field out..lol
Asha...all I wanna know is can u b my personal lawyer? You been my hairdresser for the longest kinda time..:) but you're moving up in the world! I'm bubbling over with joy and pride for u! You're the bomb!
ShelKel...I miss you two. Thank you for serving our country in Iraq. I am so disgusted with the war, but I honor the two of you for your courage.I love you and will always be here for you...what we have is so much deeper than friendship. You are my "sista-cousin-girl-bestfriends"..lol

Kia,Tara,Ree,Nic,Dan,Danielle,Jeanie,Dijsha,Wes,Gerine,Shak,LaShana,Ang I love ya'll. I'm so glad that you came into my life and that we've been able to share time, laughs, and tears.
*If I didn't mention u, I still luv u.

Some people just ain't gonna like me. Just because. Especially since in my community I am fairly visible. I tend to fret over what people think, but I've realized that the more blessed I am, the more some folx are gonna b pissed. That's just how it goes in life. Thank you for being the grain of sand that makes me into the polished pearl, I am becoming.

Thanx for making my life richer.

luv 2 Unc,Dawn,Greg,Dez,Mel,Will
George,BobbyB, Dante, D.Hilliard
Dave,Mar, and Jay


Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting, thanx for accepting me into the blogging world! Ya'll are the bomb...and many of you have been muse in my life. I read so many of u and as to not leave anyone out, I won't name names. But to every blogger...and non blogger in my comments section. You are appreciated!Ya'll come back now u hea?

Smooches Everybody!


Unknown said...

not many people are appreciative now a days, you are one of the few who are.

Icey said...

Girl you are a preachers' kid?! I hear they are the worst!!! lolol

It is so great to have a wonderful circle of sista friends. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

thank you Chan1 love you too girl!


feels good b n FREE said...

@ stunner I try to count my blessings. u know life can b troublesome, it helps to remember what i have to be grateful for.
thanx for visiting

@icey, yeah gurl...that is what they say about preacher's kids. And to be honest it is only half true. it's just that since we (pks) are held to a higher standard, when we mess up people be like "mmhmm, I knew they weren't that good." It's all good. Cause i'm far from perfect and the important thing is not being a pk but being God's kid.
Thanx 4 coming by girlfriend. I love my girls. :)

@ Tara I love you and miss you and hope you and the fam are doing great. You better get that masters girl! lol

TrinaBeingTrina said...

why do you have to let everyone know how nappy yo head was chile!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! (haha)

feels good b n FREE said...

@ latinchik..u know i gots luv 4 u

@Trina...folx need to understand how imperative it was...nappiness emphasized. lol

Anonymous said...

Some one needs to give you an Appreciation Dinner. For you are the picture of friend in the dictionary. And I truly mean that. I would not know what a friens is if you had not come into my life
Love you Gurl

Peace and Blessings

Chele said...

I'm a raving fan of yours for more reasons than one *smiles*
Keep walking with your head high.

feels good b n FREE said...

@Law...that's sweet

@Chele...aw girl! thanx