Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bobby Brown made me do it. . .

I wasn't gon' post today
I wanted to blog, but it just wasn't nothing pressin me to be written, so I decided 4get it. Then I read something...a blog that I have been frequenting the last few days. As I read through I saw he mentioned me.
To say it made my nite is a little bit of an understatement, and that's only because I know that he is going through a whole lot right now. I was just checkin in to his blog to see how things were going..and low and behold he made mention of little ol' me. So I was inspired to write. By the way the blog I read was Being Bobby Brown Jr. (Not Whitney's Husband) Please go read his page, he's listed under my daily reads. Lemme tell you, what he has to say, and what he is going thru is so worthwhile to all of us. When I read it at first I remember gasping, and thinking...for each day, for each loved one, for each blessing I am so grateful. Bobby...thank you for being an inspiration and letting God use you, through blogging....that's wssup!! And I'm happy about being one of the "new ladies" in your life. Welcome into my world!

Dang that hurt!
On a silly, kinda stupid note...
I went looking at cribs today. So I was in this house with my brother and the owner of the joint, we're walking around and the man is telling us about the we goes to walk up stairs and I didn't properly judge the angle that I needed to take to clear the edge of the stairway. ..let me preface this by saying I had on suicides (that's flip flops ...cause if u step in water with them on its suicide) lol. Anyway, as I was saying I misjudged and slammed my pinky toe into the edge. AHHH!!! I wanted to scream. Instead I just said "Oww, dang! I hit my toe" but everybody kept I'm trying to remain composed 'cause this man don't know me...but I looks down at my still throbbing toe and I see blood pouring out onto the edge of my flip-flop...I'm like "CHRRRRRIS!" (das my brother) I'm motioning for him to look down at my bloody extremity. He looks, acknowledges it with a smirk and goes to look at the backyard. I'm thinking...this can't be life. I mean I kinda wanted to laugh but the pain was like...naw Chan, it ain't funny. So finally I breaks composure (oh by the way yea sometimes I add a random "s" to the end of words for and I say to the owner I hit my toe comin up the stairs and I'm brother looked at me like, I can't believe un-couthed nigro! Oh well...the man offered me a bandage, I told him just give me a paper I can stop the bleeding. So I know this situation is a little laughable...I kinda can laugh at it now, but only kinda 'cause my toe still hurt and if i laugh too starts throb-u-latin...hehehe. (embarassin myself 4 ya'll)

I'ma sign off for now...but I'll b back. trust. have a blessed weekend...and go to church if gas permits...naw even if it don't turn church on tha tv or walk!!! Don't be too 'ci-ditty to walk!!

smooches ya'll


feels good b n FREE said...

oh boy...anonymous spammers don' found me...dun, dun, dun....

and the saga continues...

Hev said...

ok, what do I comment on first? You all over the place wit ya post. Sorry to hear about the little piggy that cried "weee weee weee all the way home". Hope somebody will kiss it and make it better...luv ya much but my mouth ain't goin nowhere near ya damn toes.

As for your friend, I read a lot of his post...I think I'd be on a cloud if someone with his strengh courage and wisdom mentioned me too. As Lyfe would say...Must be nice.

aplomb said...

Nice Blog, I was just stopping by to tell you thanks for visiting my blog and to keep up the good work.

I missed church this sunday, but I did watch Joel Osteen on TV, does that count?? :)

Chele said...

There's nothing laughable about piggy toe pain! You made my eyes water just reading about it. lol

I hate you for giving me yet ANOTHER blog to follow....but follow I shall. It betta be good! lol

feels good b n FREE said...

@hev..girl i luv me some u!! u sure u can't kiss my toe for me? lol. Thanx for FINALLY commenting!
And yeah Bobby Brown is kinda cool huh?

@Aplomb thanx back at u. I enjoyed ur blog, especially the last post. It hit home 4 me.
And Joel Osteen is can tell by his smile he knows God.
So i'll count

@chele..girl, the pressure is on! (smile) thanx for stoppin by and pleaz come back...I'll be back thru too. Keep remindin folx of er'

ya'll come back now ya hea?