Friday, September 14, 2007

I count it a privilege!

One thing that I have noticed is that people, who for one reason or another have come into my life...share their problems with me.
I often get phone calls, emails, and the like from friends and associates who just want to vent.

I just want to say that I count it a privilege to be considered the type of person to listen, to care, to encourage, to assist (if possible), to pray.
I truly get an overwhelming feeling inside...It's difficult to articulate.
I have shared many tear filled heart to hearts...and I am just grateful, to have the opportunity to share in so many people's innermost thoughts, and emotions, and hurts...that's pretty amazing.


JustMeWriting said...

Hey lady...yes's a blessing to have a listening ear.

Consistently Inconsistent... said...

It is indeed a blessing to have an ear, a voice, a mind..

Thanks for being a blessing to me. :-)