Tuesday, January 24, 2006

He said I'm his HERO

yesterday my dad came to visit me. I had called me last week and told him I wanted to spend some time together and that I needed some guidance on the things I'm doing financially and otherwise.
So he came and I shared my worries, my hopes, my goals, and my financial savings. He told me about his own financial journey and some people that he knows that helped him. Needless to say he gave me some numbers, pointed me in some directions, perhaps most importantly...
He told me that I was on the right track. That, in spite of how I feel or how it looks to keep moving in faith and to believe God for the rest. I told him my short term goals and that my long term goal was to own a house per child. He encouraged me...and said that He believed that I would have it.
Then he said something that blew my top off...so to speak. lol
He said "today I was talking to someone and I told them that 'my daughter is my hero.' " He continued to say that it is amazing to him how I have overcome in spite of the adversity and the many odds against me. Referencing: losing my mom at 15, getting pregnant at 17, still going to college, having 3 more babies, getting married, being abused, being homeless, getting divorced, and finishing college...lol
He said that it was amazing that I have pressed my way with very little help, that many have given up for less, and that if anyone could achieve those goals, it was me.

It may not seem like much... I always believed that he was proud...maybe because of the way he winks at me every Sunday from the pulpit, maybe it's how he calls me his "baby"...but I've never heard him say that he's seen all that I've been through and recognizes that it hasn't been easy...and the fact that I have persevered, makes me his HERO!?!

I don't think I'm any kind of hero because I recognize that everything that has been overcome and accomplished through me has been all the doing of the Lord! But to hear my daddy say something so sweet...That's pretty amazing.

*ya'll know u love my black she-ra over there...lol


Anonymous said...

It seems like that was a much needed visit from your dad....its always lovely to talk things out to get a little perspective on life

feels good b n FREE said...

@yazmar, nice of u to come through...and yeah it was nice talking with him, it always is.

uniquepressure said...

joy bells keep ringing in my soul!
im so church!


Brea said...

That is beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

feels good b n FREE said...

@tam...daddy's are special. but as u said when my earthly daddy can't be reached my heavenly daddy is always there..and he is better than life to me!

@unique...yeah u just a preacha...lol (preachin in the barber shop, in the car, in your sleep...remember that?? lol)

@brea...awh, thanx. i had to share cause it made me bubble up...lol

Ladynay said...

Cherish your dad, not many people get to. It seems as if you both have mutual respect and admiration for one another.

LUVIN ME said...

That was a beautiful story. It is good to see that you have a positive relationship with your dad.

Friar Tuck said...

This is precious.

Not only do I love the story, I love the opportunity to get to know you better, and I feel I know you a little better after this post.

I wish my dad said stuff like that to me.

feels good b n FREE said...

@ladynay..thank you.
yeah my dad and I are very close..I've always been daddy's girl and I know that I am blessed to have had him in my home all my life...
I don't take that for granted!

feels good b n FREE said...

@luvin me...awh thanx. yep he's a special dude.

feels good b n FREE said...

@clint...i'm so glad u liked the story. n my goal is 4 u to know me better. :)

do u love me more yet?? lol

yeah that is kinda kool to have ur dad say things like that huh?

MZPEACH said...

Are you sticking your tongue out..lol. let me know..lol.

Girl, I just looked again. You have a lot that I haven't read. Where are all of these posts coming from. Usually I don't have to come by this spot for two weeks..lol.

MZPEACH said...

Hey, I wrote another comment before that one. Where is it..lol.

MZPEACH said...

Oh well, I was saying that I like your profile pic and were you lips naturally pic and that is so cute. But I don't know if you have your tongue out or not..lol.

Girl, I have read two posts and I like them. Let me get back to work. But I am so excited to read them and catch up.

The Foxybrown Show said...

You have the Pooooooooooooooooooower!

feels good b n FREE said...

@gp...hehehe..lol...yeah gurl that's my dag on tongue!
it ain't all the way out..but i have thick lips too...so i see how u coulda gotten that mixed up..lol

yup u missed some of my blogging, lol,and u got jokes huh?? lol i usually take a while to blog...but I have more to talk about right now, i guess...lol

u betta catch up..lol

@foxy....see me *getting ready to save the world*...lol

TrinaBeingTrina said...

Gurl, I'll tell you one thing...You are my daggone hero, because I could never have raised 4 kids by myself.That trifling ass ex-husband of mine would have been dead and I would have been in jail.Then the dam kids would have been in freakin' foster care, and it just would have been a mess........hahahahahaha.

But the real funny part is I'm only halfway joking

feels good b n FREE said...

@treen...lol...u know i know
that's why we best friends...u r my alter ego..lol

i shoulda just bust him in tha head wit a clock huh?? lol
ain't nuffin like a good head bussin..lol..'cep a window bussin.lol
*Meet was bout to learn bout that huh? remember? lol

TrinaBeingTrina said...

Gurl, you know that's the truth!!!!hahaha

Anonymous said...

I was blog surfing and came across your blog. YOU are a HERO. May God continue to bless you. I will share this post with my daughter to let her know that all things are possible no matter what my block your path. God bless your father for making you AWARE of all that you have accomplished.