Thursday, November 13, 2008

Guess who's back...lmbo. Yeah it's me

Just a short blurb...
Oscar Wilde, an Irish playwright and poet from the 1800s, said, "Life imitates art, far more than art imitates life." That quote popped into my head a few minutes ago when I was in my kitchen making a cup of hot chocolate, but in the reverse. Where does art come from?? Where do romance movies and soap operas come from? Life. I mean, life often stretched to the extreme...but life nevertheless.
Life is a gift, everything about it. From the rainy days, to the walks on the beach and the dinners with the fam. From the baby mama drama, to baby's births and graduations...from the days of sorrow to the days of the greatest joys. It is a gift.
Just like everything else that's worth anything, we have a live it, love it, appreciate it...or take it for granted.
I choose to love what i've been blessed with, to aim to improve the things that are lacking, and to be grateful for the rest.


JustMeWriting said...

AMEN! Insert the Serenity Prayer I'm glad to see you back lady!

feels good b n FREE said...

hi "just me"...i'm trying to be back. life is CRAZY