Wednesday, August 15, 2007

to respond or not to respond

i have this person...around my cypher (if u will) who has tried since her debut to push me to some sort of response. at times, i have responded, but here lately i have made the effort to relax...not let them see me sweat.
the internet is her prime and there i have seen some things and come across some words that were dropped off ...just for my "benefit."
Words intended to hurt, to cause stress and concern...hmmm,
and done all in the name of the LORD.
so instead of responding to her, like i contemplated, i've decided to write about it here.

the last thing i saw from her was actually very predictable.
she might be surprised to know that i am not hurt, and that the only response i feel is that she is so childish, and sad, and making herself look foolish.
if i could speak to her directly i'd say...

ur continous attempts to "let me know something" have only given me peace.
it is sad, that u feel like u have something to prove and that u have to FIGHT
for something i let go of years ago. nothing has changed with that person, or that situation...if u desire that for your life,good. this is ur life, not mine. so live it, and leave me out of it.
i am blessed, highly favored, and not the the least bit interested in what u do with your life. however, u seem to be extremely desperate, and insecure.u seem obsessed with me, and have interrupted my life as u are actively destroying innocent little people's lives. now i wanna know, how can any woman...let alone a woman of GOD live with that???hmmm...
i hope one day you can be secure in your womanhood, your relationship with God, and in your personal relationship.i have found that when truly content, i have nothing to prove to anyone.

anyway, i'm happy that i got that off my chest.

i'll b blogging again soon readers...i luv ya'll!


Consistently Inconsistent... said...

Okay...I completely feel this post. You know why..because it says so much but so liittle. I like the way you did it. *classy*


JustMeWriting said...

YES... I SECOND CON.INC..."CLASSY" was surely the go, don't let the devil bring you down.

feels good b n FREE said...

c.i and justme...
thanks for the luv.
i needed to get it out,but i refuse to get down in the mud with her...
so i'm glad it came off classy!!!

luv luv

Ray said...

I also cosign with C.I, handle yours

TrinaBeingTrina said...

Look at you getting your grown woman on. That's what I'm talking about. Being mature in a situation where someone else is beign so childish, that's what's up.

feels good b n FREE said...

treen, that means the most coming from u!
luv ya