Monday, March 19, 2007

on my mind

it is darn it's actually midnite Tuesday morning.
knowing FULL well that my backside oughta be taking it down as we speak
i'm still up...internetting around. i swung thru here, just to check in
and then i decided, well i might as well blog.

i used to be hardcore on this sight. i know i said it before but myspace has stolen blogspot's thunder...a little bit n eway.

if u're wondering, not too much has changed. things are moving along. God is always good...lemme think about a few things i wanna mention b4 i fall over sleep...

1. i know it's old news, but the baby's smoking weed???
it's sad and crazy. the problem is that, you can charge those guys and even the mother
with gross neglect, abuse, drug charges or whatever...and it doesn't change a thing.
the mind set of way too many people concerning weed is that...
it's "natural." so they didn't SEE the problem with sharing with a
BABY!!! that's crazy! so sad...but just a symptom of a much bigger problem.

2. bring our troops home from Iraq!!! i have two friends who will be leaving to go next month.
it seems so backwardz...but what does a little ol' colored girl from jersey know??

3. while i have been loving the RISE of Jennifer Hudson...i really think she is feeling herself a bit much. hmm...she needs to b careful, you know what they say about too much pride.

4.i recently discoved that i love the KING OF PRUSSIA MALL.

5. i installed a WHOLE closet unit by my self... :)
can u believe that daddy??? i went to home depot and
got a power drill, measuring tape, and a level
and after 3hrs (probably a 1.5 hr job) it's done
and beautiful and i did
and i even used a high heel shoe in lieu of a hammer.
so worked. :)

6. i think i can live without girlfriend and her husband tried to convince me
i'm gonna drop over and die...oh snap, maybe that's why i been having all these head and body

7. can u believe i'm actually a soccer, well baseball mom??? fully equipped with the van and everything. (lip poked out) i'm only 26. lol. ok, it's a joy. i luv my bratz

8. i am and have been consistently single over the past few months...more so than EVER in my whole least since i was 15. :). i'm proud of myself.

9. what do u do when u have a close friend in a dangerous situation?? do u tell someone who can help? tell the police?? what if she won't listen to there anything that u can do besides be there 4 her and pray??? hmmm..

10. i went to sandy cove this past weekend. it was really nice. i went swimming.
that was great. i can't wait 'til summer...oh except i'ma have to have some man or terminix or something here to kill the summer bugs...everything wanna come alive. i can't sleep with flies, spiders, mosquitos, beetles or whatever else the summer me LORD!!!

ok, i'm going to bed. i miss u trina..and u too silky

luv u


The Brown Blogger said...

Well I'm glad I swung by as well. Keep doing what it do and I'll keep checking for ya.

Ms.Honey said...

Glad you decided to stop by and post :)

Baseball mom huh, you know that loads of fun LOL

Glad God is continually blessing and things are well :)

Ladynay said...

Can you install a closet unit for me? ....What? LOL

Glad to hear your keeping your head up!

Friar Tuck said...

I dont like the whole bugs and mice thing either. Thankfully, I live in a climate now where I have very little problem with either.

SilkySmooth said...

YOO whats good? Its me, the kid. How ya been, long time no hear from. Just checkin on ya.

TrinaBeingTrina said...

First of all why is silky so dam ghetto? Talking 'bout "Yo, what's good". That boy is to stoopid

Anyhoo...I was too disgusted with them babies smoking weed. I hope they hit them with every freakin' charge they can think of

I am also extremely sick of the Iraq BS. My brother is back safe and sound(Thank God) but I heard his wife might have to go back!

Now, as far as Jennifer Hudson...I don't think she is feeling herself to much and if she is so what. How the hell do you think your girl Beyonce got to the top. That hoe was feeling herself so much that she kicked out members of "her" group when she felt like it. She has always acted like she was destiny's child all by herself. Eventhough I'm not a huge fan, I can't even deny how far she has come. Part of that success has to come from "feelin herself a bit much" So I think Jennifer has the right to be "feelin herself" as you put it.
I think the real problem is maybe YOU think that she might be some competition for B. Maybe you are not ready to see the rise of Jennifer because it could possibly mean a slight fall for B. mad!!

SilkySmooth said...

OHHHHHHHHHH, now u miss us. You talk to trina, but not me huh. Im the baby of the bunch and u dont even care. SIKE. Miss u too, hows everything with the kids, selling houses and all that good stuff? OK u do construction too now, ok MOPRAH!