Thursday, March 13, 2008

World Wide...what?!?!

The Internet is a peculiar thing. The idea of privacy is so elusive anymore. Even on websites that claim to give you's always questionable. And I, I am okay with sharing most of my business on this blog,and occasionally on my myspace or facebook. Every now and again, however, it comes back to haunt me. For instance, this man immed me out of nowhere, attempting to strike up a conversation with me about something that had happened in my marriage???? I was thinking,do I know you?? I didn't know him. Turns out, I had alluded to domestic abuse in a previous blog and he started talking to me about that. It was a strange...and it continues to happen, I'll mention something to a friend or an acquaintance and they'll say, oh yeah I read that on your blog. *strange*

Well,it seems my current beau's ex has discovered me...
or at least she's hot on my trail. I found it funny, kinda.

I mean...I have always known that there are people who read my blogs or check my myspace while lurking behind the anonymity of the WWW. Never making comments,only making mental notes.
I never really minded it because,who cares...and I don't have anything to hide,and well it is exactly what it is. But every now and again, I get fed up. I wanna just sign off...forever. Then I realize there is no way I can just escape back into the dark ages of Internet-less living.
So what do I do???
Find a happy medium between total web-transparency and the former.

:) Yeah that's it.But is it too late??? I don't wanna erase my blog, I feel way too invested,too many nights of blogging. Well...that and my ex husband so kindly told me that if you put my whole name in Google you get "madd" hits with "all" my information.humph! It might just be too late...
There's no hiding is there??

So I might as well wave to my net-stalkers. ***feverishly waving***
May God BLESS your ministry! (lol)


Ladynay said...

It always blows my mind when I talk to someone and they mention that they already knew from my blog.

feels good b n FREE said...

it is something isn't nay???
is this what paparazzi feel like?? is it even a little bit like it??
lol, 'skinda funny.
thanx 4 stoppin by

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

Story of my life. So many people found my blog (well I kind of gave it to certain ppl and well news travels fast) but hey its whatever. I get so many more hits than comments, so who knows what people know about me…

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I tend to get REALLY personal in some of my posts so this has definitely been a concern of mines.

In the beginning, [when I was a newbie] I proudly displayed my profile pic and was even able to make contact with an old friend who found my blogspot as a result.

Now though I have second thoughts about revealing my identity [even though anyone who knows my children would know it were me because I post pics of them.]

I contemplated going private at one point but like you said it's always questionable.

So yeah...guess I should join you on waving to my net-stalkers cuz ummm I AIN'T GOIN' NO-WHERE!!! LOL

Friar Tuck said...

I have had my blog found by people I interviewed with for a job